

Welcome to the Web Site of Erling Amble

2024, summer: The world is still more and more crazy, but it is also still possible to find spots of light.

( One night, take a look at the Stellar Heavens)

This web site was first launched in may 2019, and thus it has been sailing on the cyber sea for five years this spring. I started it in order to publish the memories of my childhood, but later it has been dominated by my attempts to make political satire.

As the events of the world roll on, I find what is called "absurd" humour to be something of the more meaningful one can engage oneself in. Therefore I now launch a new series, where I let the wine bottle corks give us their reflections of their life and everything.

  The number of people in his
   funeral tells us that his
  ideas have survived.
  Trump has in a way destroyed
  the concept "Donald" for a lot of
  people all over the world.
  It is easy to overlook them,
   but they can also have thoughts
  worth listening to.
  Some satirical commentaries,
  but also some more serious ones
  to various issues.
  The far less well-known
  sequel to "Zen and the Art...",
  is no less thought-provoking.
The Dancing Wu Li Masters
  The Theory of Relativity and the
  Quantum Mechanics explained so that
  even you and I nearly understands it.
  In spite of all other problems,
  taking care of life on earth
  is the most important of all.
  It was a different kind of life, and the
  fifties all in all were very different
  from the time we live in today.

I have copyright to all texts and drawings on this web site. You are welcome to share them, on the condition that you refer to this web site as your source, and I would like to be informed about all such use. Commercial use is not allowed without permission from me. In such cases, please contact me at    .