the elephant

elefanten i rommet

Who is actually "The Elephant in the Room" ?

In this story we meet the elephant shortly after it has come out of the room, and meets the cat Sophus. Then the elephant tells its story to Sophus.

I have been playing with the thought of this elephant for some years now, and think it is time to let it go public. So all of you who have been wondering how it is doing, this elephant that we repeatedly hear that is "in the room", here you can read its own story.

Dependent on the response I get, I am planning to also make a printed version of this story. If that happens it will first of all be in norwegian and perhaps even in swedish. If that turns out to be a success, and sufficiently enough interest is shown also from readers of the english version, the printing of an english version may be actualized. In that case I will let you know. If you could be interested in it, it would be nice if you sent a mail about it to